April 5, 2011

1. Tools for Professional Planning

Comprehensive Strategic Action Planning: A Planned Interactive Process for Creating OUR Future.

Planning for process, systems, programs and organizational development and improvement to enhance teaching and learning

Mission, vision, values: vision is more than an image of the future. It has a compelling aspect that serves to inspire, motivate, and engage people. Vision has been described the force which molds meaning for the people of an organization. It is a force that provides meaning and purpose to the work of an organization. Vision is a compelling picture of the future that inspires commitment. It answers the questions: Who is involved? What do they plan to accomplish? Why are they doing this? Vision therefore does more than provide a picture of a desired future; it encourages people to work, to strive for its attainment. For educational leaders who implement change in their school or district, vision is "a hunger to see improvement.
Make the Words of Mission Statements Come to Life
Personal Mission Statement Builder
Continuous improvement process
: TQM in schools, teams and teamwork, steering team, action team, team development - (forming/storming/norming/performing), charters, rules of trust, stakeholders, shared decision making, data driven decision making,
action planning, brain storming, multi-voting, consensus building

Planning models :
stategic planning, PDSA, SWOT, force field analysis, model I & model II organizations, double loop learning, mixed scanning, environmental scanning, Q-sort, SMART Goals, positive deviance; assessing organizational capacity , NASSP Braking Ranks Assessment
Organizational Analysis /Bench marking / standards:
data driven decision making, poor-below ave. – ave, good, great, exemplary; good to great, MCA, BST DRP, AP, State Report Card, Marzano 9, NCA, Baldridge, Effective Schools, NCLB, District, State, professional organizational standards; Using data to guide educators (NSBA),
Change analysis and leadership:
leading the school improvement process,
CBAM, managing transitions, transformation vs transactional leadership; leadership vs management; leadership density, cultural development, relationship building, trust, communication, listening, leading change, roadblock to change, change management.
Evaluation - "What gets measured, gets done": action research,
formal / informal; researching existing data – creating data sources; qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods; frequent formative / summative; formal survey, Making Evaluation Work in your Organization
to enhance and manage the continuous improvement process.

Plan Plus for MS Outlook

Online Strategic Planner
Journal of School Improvement
Quality Management and the Baldrige Criteria in Education
School Improvement in Maryland
Iowa School Improvement
Washington School Improvement Planning
Technical Guide to School and District Factors Impacting Student Learning
New Horizons For Learning

Transforming the American School - pdf
Transforming Schools into Dynamic & Accountable Professional Learning CommunitiesHigh Performing High Schools Initiative